To help remove the barriers to healthcare for the homeless, Health & Wellness members, teachers and parents worked together and put together care packages. They collaborated with City Team and the Jurassic Park homeless encampment to distribute them.



Stephanie Hockett

“Sydney and I planned our outreach event during our sophomore year, where we did a capstone project analyzing the effects of homelessness on physical and mental health. We clearly saw a link between homelessness and a detriment in health — and although we recognized that there was little we could do to alleviate poverty across the globe, we planned this service project with CityTeam in attempts to make an impact within our local community. In April of our junior year, we went to a homeless encampment called Jurassic Park with a handful of volunteers, representatives from CityTeam, as well as a doctor who could offer medical aid. As we distributed food and hygiene supplies throughout the camp, what stood out to me the most was simply what it looked like. I’d been to several homeless encampments before this event, where people’s tents and cars have been graffitied with hateful and vulgar words, essentially telling others to keep out and to leave them alone. The words were clearly written from a place of hurt, to protect themselves from the world. However, at the park that we went to — a park that CityTeam has been serving for years — there was still graffiti, but this time, the words were written in love. Phrases such as “Jesus loves you” and “Jesus is king” covered trash cans, cars, and even the porta-potties. Seeing this was such a stark contrast to what I had been expecting, demonstrating how CityTeam’s influence has already begun to foster change and healing. The experience really encouraged me to continue serving with Health and Wellness, as it reminded me of just how powerful lasting relationships and trust can be in fighting the poverty and brokenness in our community.”

Last modified: Thursday, October 13, 2022, 3:49 PM