VCS Service Opportunity this Saturday, Dec. 2 at Saratoga Federated Church

VCS Service Opportunity this Saturday, Dec. 2 at Saratoga Federated Church

by Timothy Galleher -
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Opportunity to serve at Saratoga Federated Church Respite this Saturday, Dec. 2 (Local Church Hours)

Saratoga Federated Church is having a respite for children with disabilities and their siblings this Saturday, Dec. 2. Join us on Saturday, December 2, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm for our Advent Respite event. Volunteers are needed in several positions including 1:1 buddies, room hosts, making snacks, and check in. Volunteers arrive at 8:15 am and are finished by 1:15 pm. Families and Volunteers can register here. For more information, contact Mr. Galleher if you are interested

They are interested in students who are self-starters and can work on their own with a child with a disability.  You must be mature!

Here is there description of what they need: I need 3-5 responsible students.  I need them to be able to be a bit self-directed, for instance, I can give them a schedule and a child to be 1-1 with and they can navigate the various options for activities (crafts, games, playground, snacks) independently while guiding the individual they are assigned to.  The individual they are assigned to may be older than them, depending on their age, but they would not be given someone who would have eloping or other type behaviors that would be unreasonable for them to handle.  They have to be able to understand allergies and make sure that their individual does not get the wrong food (our snacks are clearly marked with which options are for specific allergies).  I will also need them to take direction and be quick learners since we only do a short training at the beginning of the event but I can also do a pre-event zoom teaching if that would be helpful.