Food Fight Is Almost Over! One last way to earn points!

Food Fight Is Almost Over! One last way to earn points!

by Timothy Galleher -
Number of replies: 0

We have one last way for schools to earn points... Yes, we wanted to include one last fun way to earn points for the final 24 hours of the Food Fight Competition

All anyone at the school (alumni, students, staff, etc) needs to do is post the following graphic to their story on either Instagram, Facebook, or do a post on Twitter. 
They just have to do the following 3 things: 

1.  They just need to ask people to help support their school's efforts and drop the link to the webpage:
2.  They MUST hashtag your school's name to get the points in the post!
3.  They MUST tag Martha's Kitchen in the post. @marthaskitchensj (Insta/FB) or KitchenMarthas (Twitter)
We will award 3 points per post as long as they add the link, tag Martha's Kitchen, and hashtag the school...

Let's see if we can win!!!