Opportunity To Serve- Lincoln Glen Church (Ongoing)
Lincoln Glen Church is looking for volunteers to help operate their soundboard during their worship service (ideally people who could serve on a regular rotation). The hours would be Sundays from 9:45 am-11 am. They will train any volunteers on how to use the soundboard and everything they need to know. If you're interested contact Tyler Cole (tyler@lincolnglen.org).
10 Service hours are due in 20 days! Please take a moment to make sure that your service hours are completed at an approved Church or agency. The approved list is on the Christian Service page. If you would like to add an agency or Church email Mr Galleher the following information
- Name of Church/Agency
- Website
- Contact name from the church/agency
- Contact email from the church/agency
- Purpose of the organization
- What worked you want to do at the church/agency.
Mr. Galleher (tgalleher@vcs.net)