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Dance Arts

VCHS Course Catalog

Hip Hop III Honors

 Hip Hop III Honors refines the mastery of students' abilities in all areas of technique, performance and choreography but does not introduce new units. Combinations will become more complex with an emphases on clean techniques, exploration of new skills, and creation of materials and freestyle. Students will work towards refining faster and more varied tempos and textures. Students will practice creating materials and refinement of crafts. Student focus is on the innovation of movement signature and peer-to-peer teaching opportunities. Higher levels of proficiency are expected and encouraged. 

This course provides an opportunity to explore the processes of composing and producing advanced level choreography. Students will identify and integrate the contributions of contemporary choreographers for the purpose of expanding their choreography skills. An emphasis on larger compositions are expected.

Additional Expectations: Students in all courses will be graded daily on their physical participation in class. Excessive absences will impact your grade in this course. Dancers in the class are expected to audition for choreography for the Emotions Spring Dance Show (April). Seniors are expected to be part of the Senior Showcase Dance Show in May. 

Course Number0558
Grade Level10,11,12
Pre-Requisite Hip Hop III and Audition approval of the Director.
Application and/or Audition DateNew students to VCS or New students to the Dance Arts program need to submit an Audition for placement. Audition Here 
VCHS Graduation CreditFine Arts
UC ApprovalYes Area F (Visual/Performing Arts)