
This course encompasses ecology, biochemistry, basic chemistry, cell physiology and function, Mendelian genetics, proteins synthesis, biotechnology, origins of life (creation and evolution), botany, and classification of organisms (bacteria through animals). Students are required to follow a comprehensive laboratory program, as well as participate in group activities and projects. Labs include a variety of topics such as enzyme investigations, DNA electrophoresis, plant growth experiments, bacterial growth experiments, and dissections. Dissection is an important component of the second semester study of animal form and function.

Additional Expectations: Students are expected to work hard to learn and understand terminology that will be new to them and apply it to classroom investigations and testing.

Course Number0605
Grade Level9,10,11,12
Pre-RequisiteCompleted Algebra I
Application and/or Audition DateNone
VCHS Graduation CreditScience
UC ApprovalYes Area D (Laboratory Science)