6th Grade Level Policies

1. Classwork: Introduced and started in class. The goal is to be completed in class but can be completed

at home.

a. If not completed during class time, students are expected to complete it before the next class

period and submit it at the beginning of that next class period.

2. Homework may include:

a. Incomplete classwork

b. Independent practice

c. Studying for quizzes or tests

d. Project completion

e. Reading

If a student spends longer than 30 monitored working minutes, students are expected to proactively

reach out to the teacher via email or office hours before the assignment due date.

3. Late work: Work that is submitted after the published deadline.

a. Classwork/Homework: 80% of earned credit until the end the unit.

i. Opportunity for full credit if student attends office hours for review/submission up to

one week following the due date.

b. Students must email the teacher after the completed assignment has been submitted prior to

the end of the unit in order to receive credit for the assignment.

i. Students will use a standardized email template to inform teachers prior to the end of

the unit while copying at least one parent on the communication. The template will be

provided by each teacher.

c. Projects- 80% of earned credit until the end of the unit.

4. Daily Planner : Students will be required to record dates for quizzes, tests, presentations, project

milestones, and homework in their daily planner. Time for this will be available during Warrior Time

on Mondays. We encourage students to refer to the lesson plan for each assignment’s details.

Students must read each teacher’s Learn@VCS lesson plans to determine what incomplete classwork

now qualifies for homework. A daily planner must be brought to school each day.

5. Communication and Timeline:

a. PowerSchool: Grades or codes* will be input on FRIDAY for graded assignments from that


b. Learn@VCS: Lesson plans and deliverables will posted for the following week by FRIDAY.

c. Showbie: This will be used to collect assignments but will not be relied upon for access to

assignments, instructions, or due dates. Showbie comments will be reserved for informal

communication and assignment feedback. Parent or student issues with an assignment will

be handled via email.

d. Communication:

i. From parents: Response from teacher within 24 business hours.

ii. From students: Response from teacher within 24 business hours unless class occurs

before then. It can be resolved in class at that point.

iii. To students and parents: See Showbie and PowerSchool for feedback, grades, and

missing work. Students who have a C- or below near Progress Reports will be notified

by the teacher via email.

*P owerSchool Codes Key:

IP = In Process

ABE = Absent - Work Excused

AB = Absent - make up work required

M = Missing - Please see late work policy

CH = Cheating - no credit

NT = Not Turned in - no credit

ATT = Attempted - 0 points

Checkmark = Assignment collected; teacher is grading

Score of “0” = Student cannot resubmit or makeup

Last modified: Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 6:41 PM