Opportunity To Serve with inoArduino Club (General Service Hours)
"InoArduino is a student-led and run organization that aims to serve the community through developing and providing quality STEM education to students. Because of the hard work from student volunteers, we have made strides in reaching young students around the Bay Area and across the nation. We teach students about the fundamentals of Arduino, coding (C++), circuitry, and electrical engineering. We are looking for new teachers who are willing to help teach the students. All we ask for is passion to learn and lead, prior experience is not necessary!If you are a high school student interested in computer science, engineering, web development, leadership, and/or volunteering, please fill out this form and we will contact you shortly!
If you have any questions, email either allison.lao@warriorlife.net or megha.arora@warriorlife.net.
Form link: https://forms.gle/5mVWenngNK3DnguRA