VCHS Summer Service With Campbell Christian Church

VCHS Summer Service With Campbell Christian Church

by Timothy Galleher -
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VCHS Warriors- Don't forget to look at the Christian Service page for summer opportunities.  Here is the latest post!

Summer Opportunity To Serve: Campell Christian Church- June 27- July 1

June 27th (Tuesday)- July 1st (Saturday) from 2:30-3:30 each day.         
Location:  5404 Greenbank Ct. San Jose, 95118.  They  can use around 4-5 students who would be interested in helping us teach younger kids how to do basic swim techniques.  Blowing bubbles, floating, etc.  I have a certified swim teacher so the teens would basically have a couple of kids and practice what the teacher just told/taught them to do.  The more teens I have- the more younger students I can take.  We offer these classes for free to our families at our church for basic water safety. 
Contact either by email: or text me- 615-293-5803.
Would prefer a commitment for all five days.