VCHS Church Hours Opportunity This Wednesday and Friday

VCHS Church Hours Opportunity This Wednesday and Friday

by Timothy Galleher -
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Two Service Opportunities: This Wednesday and Friday, May 12

Right Now- Opportunity To Serve- Church Hours- This Wednesday Emmanuel Baptist Church- 

(Put Emmanuel Baptist on X2vol) This Wednesday from 3:30-6:30 PM, we will be gathering at the Open Bible Faith Community Church, located at 2180 Canoas Garden Ave, San Jose, CA 95125, to pack backpacks for people in need. We are looking for student volunteers who are passionate about serving others and making a positive impact in the world.

If you're interested in joining us and lending a helping hand, please don't hesitate to reach out to Charles Turner. You can contact him by email at or by text at 408-506-7613. We would love to have you join us and be a part of this amazing opportunity!

Let's show our community what Valley Christian students are made of by coming together to make a positive change. 

Opportunity To Serve with New Beginnings Community Church

New Beginnings is partnering with City Team by hosting a graduation ceremony for the men and women who have completed their programs. We will need help greeting, childcare, setting up and serving refreshments and helping with decorations. The men's graduation is on Friday 5/12, in the evening from 6-9pm, and Friday 5/26 from 6-9pm. For more information about the events,visit our events page at:

 Anyone interested should sign up at