Reply in a "Forum" activity

Reply in a "Forum" activity

Number of replies: 5

This is a forum discussion learning activity.

Your course instructor might use this to have you communicate with them and your peers about an important topic in your course. This is a critical element of online learning because it allows you to communicate with your peers, something that you're used to doing in the classroom.


  1. Read the discussion prompt below
  2. Click the reply link to the discussion prompt
  3. Type your reply
  4. Click the save changes button
  5. Respond to another student by replying to their reply

Discussion Prompt:

If you knew you would be stranded on a desert island for 1 year, which 5 objects would you bring with you? Keep in mind that there is NO electricity on the island! Choose your objects carefully then explain your choices in a short paragraph. Once you have completed your selections and posted your explanation, read and respond to at least 3 peers.

Also, don't Google this for an answer, please! 

In reply to First post

Re: Reply in a "Forum" activity

by Bella Chen -
1: a solar powered stove and boiler
2: a big tent with blankets and pillows
3: a year supply of food
4: a lot of utensils, bowls, and pans
5: lots of clothing

First, we all need a lot of food and water to live so I’ll just boil the seawater using the bowls and pans and cook the food and eat with the utensils. Second, I'll need clothing because it’ll get cold and mostly hot. Finally, I’ll need the tent to sleep well in the night.
In reply to First post

Re: Reply in a "Forum" activity

by Alexandra Weis -
1: year supply of food (including candy)
2: a bike
3: a really comfy tent with a lot of blankets
4: a blow up mattress
5: a helicopter.

I would bring food to eat of course, and I would bring a bike to get around quicker. I would also bring a tent with blankets and a blow up mattress, and a helicopter to escape early.
In reply to Alexandra Weis

Re: Reply in a "Forum" activity

by Eric Gu -
Nice thinking for the helicopter bro
In reply to First post

Re: Reply in a "Forum" activity

by Eric Gu -
1:A year supply of food (includes water)
2:A tent with sleeping bags
3:A year supply of clothing
4:A year supply of solar powered games
5:solar powered jet ski

First, we have a year of food so then I won’t die to hunger of thirst, Next a tent and a sleeping bag so I can get sleep, And a year of clothing so I wont be stinker then the stunk, Then for entertainment solar powered games, Finally a solar powered jet ski for when I am not playing games.