VCHS Warriors!
forget that summer break is an excellent opportunity to serve in our
community. Here are a few reminders:
Service location questions?
Is Second Harvest Food Bank considered "Church Hours?" Even though Second Harvest does use different Churches to hand out food it is not considered a Church, it is a non-profit 501 C3 agency. If you have questions about any location please get in touch with Mr. Galleher for clarification.
Remember that your service must
be at a Christian Church, Valley Christian, or
a nonprofit 501C3. If the location you choose is not on
our approved nonprofit/Church list (found on the Christian Service page at learn@vcs), make sure it meets those requirements. You can email
Mr. Galleher for confirmation if needed.
Service opportunities
We list many opportunities to serve on the
Christian Service page and here are a few highlights:
- Valley Christian Sports Camps, contact Mr. Snelgrove
- Various Weeks- Family Supportive Housing Summer Camps
- July 3 & 4- Freedom Fest in Morgan Hill
- Weekly Projects- Gateway City City
- Weekly Projects- Salvation Army
- VBS programs at Venture Church, Westgate Church, and Bethel Church
And much more!
You can find opportunities to serve on our Christian Service page at this link:§ion=0 Password:
Summer Verification of Hours
VCHS uses a program called “X2vol” to monitor
service hours. X2vol is not open in the summer so please
collect contact information from the organization at which you serve, including
the email and phone number of the primary contact person. Paper forms are
not needed unless you volunteer at Second Harvest Food Bank. In that
case, Second Harvest will provide a log-in sheet that will be signed. We
will teach you how to upload that to x2vol in the fall.
Mr. Galleher will be answering emails weekly in
the summer so please be patient for a response.
God Bless,
Mr. Galleher