VCHS Opportunity To Serve at Family Supportive Housing

VCHS Opportunity To Serve at Family Supportive Housing

by Timothy Galleher -
Number of replies: 0

Opportunity To Serve: Family Supportive Housing: Dec. 12 (Talk to your Bible Teacher about letting this count for this semester!)

Break down Christmas shop and prepare for the Children’s Shop: Sunday, December 12th, help to break down the Christmas shop and separate leftover toys (toys would be separated to keep for next year and donate excess toys to Sacred Heart, for their Christmas shop). Time is flexible, probably 2 hours total. (Up to 15 volunteers all ages accompanied by an adult)

Please fill out the registration process below:
Step One
Please register for this volunteer opportunity.
You can also get to the form by clicking on this link below:
Step Two
Please fill out the vaccination status form attached to this email. We are required to gather this information for any onsite volunteers moving forward. We are not requiring volunteers to be vaccinated but need to collect this information before we have volunteers return onsite. Vaccination Form Here