VCHS Service- Two New Opportunities!

VCHS Service- Two New Opportunities!

by Timothy Galleher -
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Two New Opportunities to serve for VCHS students:

Opportunity To Serve Through Video: Next Vista Video

Got an idea that could make the world better? Wouldn't it be cool if there were people out there who might take your idea and improve their community?  Introducing Improve The World! Our Improve The World project pages have all the details to help you learn how to share your innovative way to make things better with us and others.  Your ideas can make a difference, and there are people ready to put the great ideas you share in motion. Go to to find out about the “Improve The World” video competition and you would be able to earn some service credit and win a prize. The video can be no longer than the time limit (for this contest, 90 seconds). You may use up to another 30 seconds for credits. Follow the VERY specific rules related to the use of media (images, footage, audio, etc.). Any image or music used in the video must be your own work or taken from one of the websites listed on the Sources And Citations page. For more information, you can also contact Mr. Galleher. (


Opportunity To Serve:  Sinning Stars Respite at Calvary Church in Los Gatos (Church Hours)

December Shining Stars Christmas Respite on Saturday, December 11th from 2 to 4.
Event Description: We start with quick sign-in/registration.  There will be craft stations, games, a Churro cart station with apples and water also available, photo station for family pictures with Santa & Mrs. Santa. There will be Christmas music and for the last 20 minutes there will be a singalong and then our partners the Camel Herders/Shriners will be handing out the presents.  There may be other surprises too.
We will need volunteers to be welcoming and friendly hosts to our families, we need volunteers to run the games, one or two musically inclined volunteers to lead the sing-along, volunteers to help with the Santa photos, a few to assist with food stations, craft table helpers, registration check-in volunteers and other unknown, at this point, tasks. 
To sign up please register at the links below.  If you’re able to lead the Christmas carol sing-along, please reply to let us know.  Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Youth volunteers (under 18)
Shining Stars Youth Form 2021