Opportunities to serve for Valley Christian students!

Opportunities to serve for Valley Christian students!

by Timothy Galleher -
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Hi Valley Christian High School Students-

Welcome back to school! We want you to know that there are opportunities for community service during the Fall semester and many of these opportunities are online.  Take a look at the Christian Service page at learn@vcs for online opportunities including the Young Expressionists organization.  They had a great summer of ministry to help children and students realize their gifts and passions.  If you know of other opportunities or have questions about Community Service please email Mr. Galleher for more information. (tgalleher@vcs.net)

Young Expressionists- Teaching Elementary & Jr. High

The Young Expressionists (TYE) is an organization dedicated to helping young students help their passions. After a successful summer quarter, we are looking for more high school students interested in hosting their own classes to teach elementary and Junior High students. These classes can be on a variety of different subjects, ranging from art and music to math/science competition prep. There are no requirements for instructors- just bring your passions and a heart to serve others! If you are interested, please fill out our Instructor form- somebody will contact you shortly. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to theyoungexpressionists@gmail.com. You can also check out our website at https://theyoungexpression.wixsite.com/t-y-e
 Form: https://forms.gle/E6SoYPdjSza4n75Y6