Forensic Science

Course Description

Forensic Science is a college preparation elective science course for students interested in an in-depth exploration of investigative practices within the criminal justice system. This multidisciplinary course uses scientific principles, including chemistry, physics, biology, and earth science. Students will employ the scientific method to resolve simulated criminal investigations, allowing them to delve into the application of science and inquiry in the realm of criminal justice. This course introduces students to potential career pathways, and foster science skills, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, observation, data analysis, data collection, evaluating evidence, and the application of technology, in addition to imparting scientific skills and techniques.  The course provides contents that describe specific types of evidence, evidence collection techniques, evidence analysis, and evidence evaluation. The course also explores topics such crime scene investigation, forensic analysis of evidence such as DNA, forensic anthropology, blood and blood spatter examination, and many more.

Course Number 0654
Grade Level 11, 12
Pre-Requisite Grade of C or higher in Honors Chemistry or Chemistry.  
Application and/or Audition Date None
Credits 10
VCHS Graduation Credit Science

UC Approval

Yes Area D (Interdisciplinary Science)

Fees None