AP Psychology

AP Psychology at VCHS introduces the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes using a Christ-centered framework for integrated “soul care” grounded in the restoration and wholeness that God desires for all of His children. This discipline provides Christians with tangible tools to implement Biblical instructions such as “taking captive every thought,” (II Cor. 10:5) to “not conform to the patterns of this world,” (Rom. 12:1), and how to love ourselves and love others (Matt. 22:39). 

Students will learn about practical tools learned through psychology to live those truths out, along with the founding psychologists and foundational theories such as the biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, learning and cognition, motivation, developmental psychology, testing and individual differences, treatments of psychological disorders, and social psychology. Throughout the course, students employ psychological research methods, including Biblical ethical considerations, as they use the scientific method, evaluate claims and evidence, and effectively communicate ideas.

Course Number1047
Grade Level11,12

This is a college-level course, so students must be prepared for complex texts, fast-paced content, and college-level assessments.

Application and/or Audition Date None
VCHS Graduation CreditElective
UC ApprovalG
FeesAP Exam Fee