Service Learning: Worship and Production

This yearlong course is designed for students to develop leadership skills with an attitude of service as they work together to produce a full-scale weekly Chapel experience for Junior High and High School. Students will choose either a Music track, focusing on leading musical worship, or a Production track, focusing on the technical and logistical aspects of worship production. Class time will be dedicated to rehearsing music, refining production techniques, and studying the theology and practice of worship. Students will study the biblical and historical foundations of worship, explore how worship intersects with different cultural and community contexts, and reflect on how to create meaningful and impactful worship experiences. This course emphasizes spiritual growth, teamwork, and the practical skills needed to lead and support worship that positively influences school culture for the glory of God.

Additional Expectations:  To receive the 15 hours of community service available in this course, students are required to regularly participate in chapel production.  Students will also be required to attend some out of class worship events including Convocation and Encounter. 

 This course is a Bible department Service Learning course.  Students will need to take one Philosophy of Religion/World Religions course and one Service Learning Course before graduation.  Students will be placed in a service course after completing a preference feedback form that helps determine the best fit for their unique service experience.  Please refer to the Bible department map tab for more information.  

Course Number -
Grade Level 11,12
Pre-Requisite Service feedback form, application/audition, and instructor placement
Application and/or Audition Date TBD
Credits 10
VCHS Graduation Credit Bible
UC Approval None
Fees None