VCHS Course Catalog
Biblical Interpretation Edits in Progress 12/12
This course is designed to inform students about big-picture questions in the Bible. In conjunction with the text, How (not) To Read the Bible, students address questions like, “What does it mean that the Bible is God’s word?”, “Does the Bible have any errors in it?”, “How do we know if the Bible is literal or metaphorical?” These questions will help students to engage scripture in light of our culture today. After overviewing the types of literature found in the Bible and interpretation methods, students will apply this knowledge to various Old Testament scriptures. Students spend extra time in the book of Proverbs, interpreting how and when ancient wisdom can be applied today.
Course Number | 0330 |
Grade Level | 9 |
Pre-Requisite | Course placement determined by student feedback form |
Application and/or Audition Date | None |
Credits | 10 |
VCHS Graduation Credit | Bible |
UC Approval | None |
Fees | None |