September 24/25

Unit #: Title

IC 2-11 Weather

  • Students will be able to...

Employ basic terms for weather patterns and phenomena

Describe simple weather changes

Compare the weather of two places

Talk about what you may do in nice or bad weather

Present a simple weather forecast

Classroom Activities

  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: wbp.11 pinyin A, p.12-13 make phrases/ ck in HW Wbp. 13 B, 14, 15 & 20 due
  3. D2 characters, take notes
  4. HW make correction
  5. Assign Four Seasons project, 10/9 show & tell
  6. Seven things about me ( Olivia & Justin)

  • Complete...

1. Wbp. 16-17 C, 18 D& 19 G,H due next class

2. L11 character sheet due 9/27 ( class notes, sentences)

3. L11 D2 vocabulary quiz 10/1 (updated)

4. L11 written test 10/3 (updated)

5. L11 Workbook package due 10/11 (tear and staple it)You may make a copy to summit if you don't want to tear the pages.