Quarter 2 (2024-25)

Site: Learn@VCS
Course: Mandarin I - Ms. Pai
Book: Quarter 2 (2024-25)
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Friday, November 22, 2024, 9:39 AM

October 14/15

Unit #: Title

IC 1-1 Greetings

  • Students will be able to...

Exchange basic greetings

Request a person's last name and full name and provide your own

Determine whether someone is a teacher or a student

Ascertain someone's nationality

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: L1 D1 peer grading / HW Wbp. 18 Speaking A 5 Q & A due
  3. L1 D2 vocabulary quiz, peer grading (7 phrases)
  4. ichinese reader sign up
  5. L1 grammar PPT

  • Complete...

1. Wbp.19-21 due Wed.

2. Reader 1 due 10/21 (ichinese reader 2 books assigned)

3. L1 written test on 10/21 

4. L1 Workbook due 10/24 )p.11-25 staple)

5. L1D2 character sheet due 10/24

October 16/17

Unit #: Title

IC1 Lesson 1 Greetings

  • Students will be able to...

Exchange basic greetings

Request a person's last name and full name and provide your own

Determine whether someone is a teacher or a student

Ascertain someone's nationality

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: Wbp.19-21 due (Ask TA check in)
  3. Class work: Workbook p. 22-25 (No p.25 H)

  • Complete...

1. Reader 1 due 10/21 (ichinese reader 2 books assigned)

2. L1 written test on 10/21 (Study guide on Google Classroom)

3. L1 Workbook due 10/24 (p.11-25 staple)

4. L1D2 character sheet due 10/24

5. Bring more index cards 10/24

October 21/23

Unit #: Title

IC 1 Lesson 1 Greetings

  • Students will be able to...

Exchange basic greetings

Request a person's last name and full name and provide your own

Determine whether someone is a teacher or a student

Ascertain someone's nationality

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: ck in Reader 1 due/ peer grading L1 D1 quiz 
  3. Wbp. 25 (I) share with 5 classmates
  4. Wbp. 19-25 correction
  5. L1 test 

  • Complete...

1. L1 Workbook due 10/24 (p.11-25 staple)

2. L1D2 character sheet due 10/24

3. Bring more index cards 10/24

4. Reader 2 due 10/28

October 24/25

Unit #: Title

IC 1 Lesson 2 Family

  • Students will be able to...

Employ basic kinship terms

Describe a family photo

Ask someone's profession

Say some common professions

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: L1D2 character sheet due, L1 Workbook due (p.11-25 staple) / L1 post activity sheet pre Q & A
  3. Daily star: Jonathan
  4. L2 D1 video, T/F 
  5. Read aloud D1 text
  6. "My Family Picture Talk" assigned on Google classroom
  7. New character cards making
  8. L1 culture minute video (L1 post activity sheet)

  • Complete...

1. Bring more index cards 10/24

2. Reader 2 due 10/28

3. L1 Post activity sheet due 10/28

4. "My Family Picture Talk" assigned on Google classroom. Oral Presentation dates: 10/30,11/1,11/5

October 28/29

Unit #: Title

IC 1 Lesson 2 Family

  • Students will be able to...

Employ basic kinship terms

Describe a family photo

Ask someone's profession

Say some common professions

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: Reader 2 due/ L1 D1 quiz peer grading
  3. L1 culture minute video, complete L1 post activity sheet and submit
  4. Student Survey
  5. Read aloud L2 D1 text 
  6. Make new character cards

  • Complete...

1. Bring more index cards 

2. L1 Post activity sheet due today (after watching culture minute video, Q & A)

3. AC worksheet package page 1 

4. Reader 3 due 11/1

5. "My Family Picture Talk" assigned on Google classroom. Oral Presentation dates: 10/30,11/1,11/5

10/30: Alex, Aeneas, Chelesa, Hypatia, Luke, Sofia, Aria

11/1 : Marisol, Tsaiyu, Fiona, Kaitlyn, Anthony. Ethan Chen

11/5: Justine, Jonathan, Ben, Ethan Fu, Melissa, Jacob

October 30/31

Unit #: Title

IC 1-2 Family

  • Students will be able to...

Employ basic kinship terms

Describe a family photo

Ask someone's profession

Say some common professions

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: Wbp. 29AB & speaking A
  3. Daily Star : Aeneas
  4. Family picture show & tell :Alex, Aeneas, Chelesa, Hypatia, Luke, Sofia, Aria
  5. Making new character cards

  • Complete...

1. Bring more index cards 

2. D2 New character sheet writing

3. AC worksheet package page 2-3 due Friday 

4. Reader 3 due 11/1

5. "My Family Picture Talk" assigned on Google classroom. Oral Presentation dates: 11/1,11/5

11/1 : Marisol, Tsaiyu, Fiona, Kaitlyn, Anthony. Ethan Chen

11/5: Justine, Jonathan, Ben, Ethan Fu, Melissa, Jacob

November 1/4

Unit #: Title

L1 -2 Family

  • Students will be able to...

Employ basic kinship terms

Describe a family photo

Ask someone's profession

Say some common professions

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: Wbp. 30 / ck in HW  AC worksheet package page 2-3 & Reader 3 
  3. Daily star: Tasiyu
  4. Family picture show & tell : Marisol, Tsaiyu, Fiona, Kaitlyn, Anthony. Ethan Chen
  5. D1 character cards making

  • Complete...

1. Bring more index cards 

2. D1 New character sheet writing

3. D1 character cards & character sheet due due 11/5 

4. L2 quizlet due 11/6

5. L2D1 dictation quiz 11/7

6. "My Family Picture Talk" assigned on Google classroom. Oral Presentation dates: 11/1,11/5

11/5: Justine, Jonathan, Ben, Ethan Fu, Melissa, Jacob

November 5/6

Unit #: Title

IC 1 Lesson 2 Family

  • Students will be able to...

Employ basic kinship terms

Describe a family photo

Ask someone's profession

Say some common professions

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: wbp. 31-32 / ck in 4 pages character writing
  3. My Family Picture show & tell : Justine, Jonathan, Ben, Ethan Fu, Melissa, Jacob
  4. D1 new character making ( ck in Wednesday)
  5. D2 Video, MCQ wbp. 35-36
  6. D2 new character making

  • Complete...

1. Wbp. 33 D & E 

2. D1 last 4 New characters writing 

3. D1 character cards & character sheet due due 11/7 (updated) 

4. L2 quizlet due tomorrow

5. L2D1 dictation quiz next class

6. Bring more index cards 


November 7/8

Unit #: Title

IC 1 Lesson 2 Family

  • Students will be able to...

Employ basic kinship terms

Describe a family photo

Ask someone's profession

Say some common professions

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: character tic-tac-toe / ck in quizlet & wbp.33 & D1 character cards & worksheet)
  3. D1 dictation quiz
  4. D2 text read aloud
  5. D2 new character cards making

  • Complete...

1. wbp. 38A -40 in Chinese

2. AC package p. 7,8,10 (C& D)

3. Reader 4 due 11/12

4. L2 D2 dictation 11/14

5. L2 test 11/18


November 12/13

Unit #: Title

IC1 -2 Family

  • Students will be able to...

Employ basic kinship terms

Describe a family photo

Ask someone's profession

Say some common professions

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: wbp.31 A & 38 B , package 11 & 12 D / Ck in HW wbp. 38A-40 & package p.7,8,10
  3. D2 read aloud
  4. 5 more character cards making
  5. L1 test correction
  6. D2 situation role-play 

  • Complete...

1. wbp. 38 speaking A & p.41-42

2. L2 D2 dictation next class ( will cancel it if we have a good "peer testing" next class)

3. Reader 4 due 11/14

4. L2 D2 your own situation role-play with clock partner

5. L2 test 11/18


November 14/15

Unit #: Title

IC 1-2 Family

  • Students will be able to...

Employ basic kinship terms

Describe a family photo

Ask someone's profession

Say some common professions

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: peer grading D1 quiz/ ck in HW wbp. 38 speaking A & p.41-42
  3. Peer testing D2 vocabulary dictation
  4.  WB listening ex & WB correction
  5. L2 Grammar exercise
  6. L2 D2 your own situation role-play with clock partner

  • Complete...

 1. Reader 4 due 10 PM today

2. Package p.19,17

3. L2 Post activity sheet ( test study guide) bring it next class to watch culture minute video & question

4. L2 test 11/18

5. L2 character sheet & character cards due 11/20

6. L2 D2 your own situation role-play cont. 11/20

7. L2 WB due 11/22 (tear & staple)

November 18/19

Unit #: Title

IC 1-2 Family

  • Students will be able to...

Employ basic kinship terms

Describe a family photo

Ask someone's profession

Say some common professions

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: Package p.19,17 due
  3. L2 test
  4. L2 post activity culture minute video, Q & A 

  • Complete...

1. Bring index cards to make new character cards

2. L2 character sheet & character cards due 11/20

3. L2 Post activity sheet due next class

4. L2 D2 your own situation role-play  11/20

5. L2 WB due 11/22 (tear & staple)

6. Reader 5 due 11/22 10 PM

November 20/21

Unit #: Title

IC 1 -3 Dates & Time  ( Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.)

  • Students will be able to...

Talk and speak about dates and time

Talk about one's age and birthday

Invite someone to dinner

Arrange a dinner date

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: Role-play practice / L2 character sheet & character cards & post activity sheet due 
  3. L3 D1 video, T/F on wbp. 46
  4. Read aloud D1 
  5. Making new character cards
  6. L2 situation role-play present

  • Complete...

1. Bring index cards to make new character cards

2. L2 WB due 11/22 (tear & staple)

3. Reader 5 due 11/22

4. writing L3 character sheet

November 22 (A Day)

Unit #: Title

IC 1-3 Dates & Time

  • Students will be able to...

Talk and speak about dates and time

Talk about one's age and birthday

Invite someone to dinner

Arrange a dinner date

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: wbp. 47A & B / L2 WB due
  3. L3 D1 new character cards making
  4. Thanksgiving activity
  5. I Thank God for your ...

  • Complete...

1. Reader 5 due today 10 PM

2. Wbp. 48 Reading A, B --49 due next class (DL learning) 

3. writing L3 character sheet

4. Dates quizlet due 11/26

5. L3 quizlet due 12/4

6. L3 D1 dictation 12/5

7. Bring index cards to make new character cards (the week of 12/3)

Nov 25/26 (Distance Learning Day)

Unit #: Title

IC1-3 Dates & Time

  • Students will be able to...

Talk and speak about dates and time

Talk about one's age and birthday

Invite someone to dinner

Arrange a dinner date

Classroom Activities
  1. Devotional/Prayer...
  2. Bell work: ck in Reader 5 & dates quizlet due
  3. Give Thanks Chinese song
  4. Thanksgiving activity
  5. HW wbp. 48-49 make correction
  6. L3 D2 video, T/F p. 55
  7. Thanksgiving Kahoot game

  • Complete...

1. Bring index cards to make new character cards (the week of 12/3)

2. Wbp. 50-52 (no F) due 12/5

3. writing L3 character sheet

4. L3 quizlet due 12/4

5. L3 D1 dictation 12/5

6. L3 test 12/9