Business & Technology

Computer Science Courses

Intro to AI (Code HS) - ONLINE

Intro to AI (Code HS) /Mobile Apps (CodeHS) PAIRING The semester-long courses Intro to AI (Code HS) and Mobile Apps (Code HS)  are paired. Students who enroll in one will automatically be enrolled in other. 

The Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course teaches students important programming concepts that enable the use of Artificial Intelligence in computer science and society at large. Students will learn how to incorporate basic Artificial Intelligence algorithms in their own work, and consider the social and ethical implications of how Artificial Intelligence is used, and how it plans to be used. Students will develop a series of projects that illustrate the variety of ways Artificial Intelligence can be used to optimize and predict information and processes.


Yes Area G (General Elective-Interdisciplinary)
Course Number 0702
Grade Level 11, 12
Pre-Requisite Completion of AP Computer Science Principles or AP Computer Science A.
Application and/or Audition Date None
Credits 5
VCHS Graduation Credit Elective
UC ApprovalYes Area G (General Elective-Interdisciplinary)
Fees $60 Curriculum Fee