Social Science

AP African American Studies

For more than a decade, the College Board's AP Program worked alongside colleges, universities, and secondary schools to create this AP course in African American studies. The course is designed to offer high school students an evidence-based introduction to African American studies. The interdisciplinary course reaches into a variety of fields—literature, the arts and humanities, political science, geography, and science—to explore the vital contributions and experiences of African Americans.  Students will think critically about history and contemporary circumstances, evaluating issues under the guidance of a caring Christian faculty member.

Students enrolled in AP courses may choose to take the College Board's AP exam in May. For AP African American studies, in addition to an exam, students will conduct a year-long topical research assignment—of their choosing—that culminates in a 3-5 page paper. 

Course Number 1051
Grade Level 11, 12
Pre-Requisite Concurrent enrollment in an honors or AP-level English class is recommended. 
Application and/or Audition Date None
Credits 10
VCHS Graduation Credit U.S. History
UC Approval History / Social Science (A) / U.S. History