Quarter 1 (2024-25)

August 13/14

Unit: Management Week

  • Students will feel welcomed to the classroom.

  • Students will be able to discuss the classroom policies and procedures.

  • Students will be able to discuss the course expectations.

Unit Biblical Integration Goals
  • Students will discuss different ways to overcome challenges through their spiritual journey. (2 Peter 1:5-11, Romans 5:1-5)

Daily Standards
  • I can learn the rule of thirds and apply it to a picture that I will take to share in class.
  • I can help to create classroom norms that will support every member of our yearbook team. 


  1. Warm-up (Make Name Tent)
  2. Devotional/Prayer/Debate Class Norms
  3. Go over classroom procedures/syllabus/Learn.vcs.net
  4. Get to know your teacher Kahoot
  5. 4 Corners of Respectful Disagreement
  6. Wink Murder

What Needs to be Turned in...

  • N/A


  • N/A

Upcoming Dates:

  • Back to School Night, 08/28